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Personnel Manager



Personnel Manager 面议
Department: 人事部
  • Jiangsu Province||Taizhou||Gaogang District
  • 3-5 years
  • Regular college
  • Full time
  • 1
Description of position:

Job requirements.

1、College degree or above, male or female, integrity, decent style, good image quality.

2、Strong communication skills, clear thinking, strong language expression ability, familiar with official writing.

3、Familiar with government incentive policies, with relevant work experience is preferred.

4、Strong interpersonal relationship handling and coordination organization ability.

5、Strong team leadership skills, responsibility execution.

Salary: 10-15K

Job Description.

1、Rational design of the company's organizational structure, the description of various job functions, the preparation of human resources planning, the development of human resources management system and operational processes.

2、Familiar with the dynamics of the human resources market, the introduction of applicable talents, and according to the requirements of the position, the staff will be arranged to the appropriate position, to achieve a reasonable allocation of human resources.

3、Develop and implement training plans, train and develop staff, provide consultation for staff development, improve staff capabilities and bring into play their strengths through training and development, improve staff behaviour and achieve desired standards.

4、Strengthen the management of staff to achieve the best of their talents. Through in-depth investigation and comprehensive analysis of the staff's moral, ability, diligence and performance, the staff who are particularly outstanding will be promoted; the positions will be moderately adjusted according to the work needs, the staff who make special contributions to the company will be rewarded, and the staff who damage the company's interests and encroach on the company's property will be punished and dismissed.

5、Develop staff effectiveness assessment standards and implement assessment management. Through attendance punching, work situation, reward and punishment system, satisfaction survey, etc. to develop performance assessment standards, improve the staff's work enthusiasm, give full play to the staff's intelligence and improve the company's business efficiency.

6、Develop a reasonable salary management system and sound welfare policies within the company's means. Develop a reasonable salary, welfare and insurance system for employees, pay them according to their work, and motivate them to improve their morale and productivity.  

7、Coordinate departmental management, improve departmental functions, coordinate the disharmony in departmental operation and resolve conflicts in a timely manner.

8、Shape the company's image and establish a corporate culture. Correctly guide employees, increase their trust, pride and sense of honour in the company and create a good human environment.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***


Telephone:+86 523 8651 1999

Address: No. 6, Gangcheng West Road, Binjiang Industrial Park, Taizhou Medical High-tech Zone  

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